And I saw myself
In shining armor
Riding my horse
To my lover
I saw myself
Handsome and healthy
My eyes were so attractive
Had blonde hair and were happy
I hugged her
I kissed my lover
Everything seemed
To me so real!
never wanted to end
The sense of joy
I could deeply feel
The dreams had come true
When she whispered into my ear
That she loves me too
Waving my hands…
For thousands cheering for me
Come, come my lover…
Dance with me…
Crossed the borders of reality
This is no dream
I’ll never be awaken
I have sex
I kiss and I hug
I don’t wanna be awaken
By the clock,
There shouldn’t be any morning
The night shall last forever
In my bed I feel pity
For that shivering body of mine
The sun has come up
Soon, new day will begun
I see my senseless lips
Curved in the form of a smile
Thinking of the dream I had
Never reached beyond reality bars
New day has begun
My dreams are gone
The dreams I built my life upon.
SEP. 07 05