
Alan khodamo “skyview” mibinam! Injoori behtare chaghim maloom nis! Albate ye skyview zeshto bi ma’ni, bi hes, va be shedat khaste konande, ayeene otagham ham mese khodam shode, alaki khoshgel neshodan mide, shayadam man injori mibinam va oon hanuz sadeghe. Mamoolan vaghty adam ye chizi minvise ye mokhatabi dare, ya hade aghal ye kocholo fek mikone ke maslan chizi nanvise ke yeki bekhone badesh biad, khob vaghty adam mokhatabesh khodesh bashe bayad khodesho re’ayat kone! Chizi nanvise ke khodesh narahat she! Umm… dorogh bege bekhodesh, khodsho khar kone!
Va sina marde rooya ha! Kherse gharha! Dar yek otaghe 3X4 mione 7 ,8 milion adam, va te’dade ziadi apartemano, bozorgraho, mashino kheily chizaye dige, dar hale goosh kardan be saxifone, ye chiz hayee ro ba alefbaye English type mikone ke az nazare narf afzare WORD hamashoon dochare ghalate emlayee hastan va bayesti tashih beshan!
Az nazare adamaye atrafam, az nazare ketabayee ke mikhunam, va az nazare khodam, man meghdare ziadi ghalat az anvae mokhtalef hastam va bayad tashih besham.
Jalebe vaghty mikham baraye khodam chizi benvisam, ehsas mikonam asan khodamo nemishnasam, daem harfaye adamaye mokhtalef raje behem miad to zehnam! Ama mibinam ke hich kodom az in harfa male khodam nis. Hich kodom az fekram ham male khodam nis, ya az to ketabas, ya az to jomalate folan ostad sare folan class.
Man majmooe yee hastam az oon chizayee ke didam va shenidam. Yek albume selection ke esmam be onvane gerd avarande rooye jeldesh neveshte shode.
100 kilo vazn, 179.5 cm ghad, aaa be hame tahala dorogh goftam ke 180 cm am! Hata oon vaghty ke ba ghodrat va serahat migoftam ke az dorogh bizaram, yeki az 3 ta harfam doroghe mahz bood, va akhe ki bavaresh mishod ke sina mitune dorogh bege?! Khodamam bavaram nemishod, va chon bavaram nemishod, khob, bavar nemikardam.
Sina ye rastgo, sinaye pak, aaa PERFECT MAN!
Inke man adame khobiam ya adame badiam, aslan mohem nis, mohem iine ke … vaghean nemidunam mohem chie, tooye donyayee ke in rooza mibinam, fasele chiz haye por va kam ahamiat kheily kam shode. Ya behtar begam, hame chiz ye joorayee bi ahamiat shode, bish az had sade, bish az had mamooli, va man bish az had bi ehsas nesbat bemohit, hata in goli ke kenare panjereye trusemoone, az man be mohit bishtar vakonesh neshoon mide, hade aghal bargasho kajo rast mikone ta PHOTON haye bishtari ro be molkol haye kolorofile selol haye mojod dar barghash beresoone. Baroon miad, bad miad, barf miad, aftab mishe, abr mishe, rooz mishe, shab mishe, shanbe mishe, jome mishe, Ama otaghe man –doros mese zehnam- ba sokotesh be man mige ke dige hichi dar in jahan ke dar dastrese mane nemitune taghyeeri dar zarbahange tekrarie ghalbe man ijad kone. ro nemodaresh noghate R S Q bedune hich taghyeeri sal hast ke bala o payeen miran, va ghalbe man bedune hich angizeyee, hich falsafeyee, hich hadafi, mitape va mitape. Va hata ro in tapidan kontroli nadaram, shayad ye rooz az maghzam bekham ke dige fekr nakone va ghalbam dige natape, ama mosalaman oona be harfaye man tavajohi nakhand kard.
Hal, madas, vojod dare, va ayande khala’e, vojod nadare, va tebghe ghavanine fizik ke be esbat residan, made hamvare be samte khala’ keshide mishe! Inaro Boodriar talash karde to ketabe Amrika ash bege, man ehsase saboki mikonam, ehsase vojod nadashtan, ehsase khala’ bodan, ehsase ayande bodan, va chon man to ayandam, zendegy rooz mare baram kheily khaste konandas! Chon fek mikonam in rooz haye tekrari mese ye rahrooe ke bayad azash rad shi ta be otaghe badi beresi! Va otaghe badi va ba’di! Shayad age 4 5 sal pish emroozam ro mididam, migoftam! Ooh pesar to alan akhareshi dige! Dige mage zendgey behtar az iinam mishe? Tehran zendegy mikoni! Ovah ye computer Pentium 4! IPOD! (ehtemalan bayad be khodam tozih midadam ke ye joor walkmane tahavol yaftas!) mashinam ke zire pate, doos dokhtar! Daneshgah Tehran! Az sob ta shab ba adamaye migardi ke ye zamani ketabashoonam nemitunesti gir biari! Dige az in che behtar… alan daram fek mikonam sina e emrooz be sina e 4 5 sal dige chi mige!
one day will come that you may see something.
That life happens in distances,in the momemnts of uncernities.
Life hasnt been proven to be a certain thing,(even if it were proved this way,it could be denied later), the certain things are how I modify the world and life and the things I verify. This is how I start to chew the world. When we are kid, we are far awar from these certainy,after some time we start thinking of these certanities:school,job...and we assume the adults are the ones who are busy with this damn cool big,mature certanies. But when we get older we come to know, oh shit, that is not the hand I want to play my game. This is not the way I want to ride my horse!
I myselft have been fucked up in it for a long period of time but now things are totally different. Now I know that I live among many uncertain systems which are dynamic and are changing from to time, and I am changing. The idea of certain things may not be a good way of shaping me, that is what may bring a pressure because it may have only other co existence in others minds. It is sometime I am learning to cope with life as something uncertain.
that is how life treats me and how I could pass through all those experiences.
sina joon , shomare ham midadi vase khastegari tamas begiran dige !!!
khoshhalam minevisi , hata fingilish , babate konkoor ham tabrik . moafagh bashi
life is this! the most important thing is to be honest with yourself and of course living here and now, not in future. learn from the past, plan for the future, and enjoy the moment you are in, this is the art of living!
and above all your post was so touchable
I always wish two things in my life:
1_ i wish that i would never die
,but it seems imposible for now so i wish the second;
I wish that after die, i would never return, i hope there would be no return
nemidoonam tahala chan bar in posteto khoondam! cheghad samimi va bishtaraz oon masoomane neveshte shode. in masoomaito too hameye neveshtehat hes mikonam.. :*
sina shomarato midi? :D (cmnt e keyvan)
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