و بازهم میراث

حالا که به میراث گیردادم بد نیست وضعیت کاخ سردار اسعد بختیاری رو هم ببینید
طلبکارهای سردار گویا اومدن در و دیوار کاخ (سابق) رو به فحش مزین کردن
no kidding!
Ahead of my Dreams

Zamani ke fahmidam memari mitavanad chizi fara tar az abrang bazi, sheklhaye kajo koole va hendese khoshk bashad, fekr mikardam memari nahayat ast va na honari va na elmi fara tar az an vojod nadarad. Memari, ba cheni negareshi bi shak yegane rahe takamol baraye zehne idealist man bood. Memari yek ideal bood va tamam nashodani. Haman ke man mikhastam. Har che bishtar az memari mi amookhtam bishtar moshtaghash mishodam zira jelveyee jadid va ya mafhoomi no ra dar an miaftam
Aknoon ke be nesbiat eteghad peida karde am, dar nazaram hata ideal har kas ham nesbist! roozi idealam tarahi yek khane, yek madrese va ya dar nahayat yek mojtame maskoni bood, emrooz dar fekre tarsime shahre farad hastam. Tarsim shahre farda ama chizi jadid nist. nemikhaham harfhaye tekrari bezanam va az sabeghe in dastan begooyam. Hamin bas ke vaghty be namha bar mikhoram az sooyee bekhod milarzam va az sooyee digar dar khod etemad benafse ajibi ehsas mikonam, shayad tanha baraye inke be noghteyee reside am ke andishidan be shahre farda ra aghaz karde am
ehsas mikonam tooye dayere gir oftadam, mese in moosh sefida to ghafase davar, harchi midoam bazam jaye avalam!
yeki behem sms dad ke to in baroon che mikoni?
yade hamin chand vaght pisham oftadam ke ta baroni , barfi miomad, mizadam biroon.
sahme man az donyaye biroon, sedaye ajir ambulansi, ye booghe mashini, shayadam arbade mardi bashe. ehsas esarat dar roozmaregi ro mikonam.
neveshtan yek ehsas shekli ahmaghane behesh mide.
with my love
I paint the world
with the brightest colors
in the eyes of the beholder
other than mine
with love
I evoke springs of beauty
forming rivers of joy
in the thirsty heart
of them
love is
a proof by no logic
a reason of all
with no goal beyond
other than its
while so reachable it is
its your hands
that need to understand
if they believe
in everything you touch
if manage to believe
decision is yours
that there is beyond
there is one answer
to what you asked before
every cell of mine replies
if I am in love
July 13 07
18 tir e emsal
niroohaye enghelab baraye inke khatere 18 tir hichgah az zehne azizan pak nashavad, rikhtan o zadano bastano greftan kole tahkim vahdato! va khiale khodeshoon va kole daneshjooyani ke dochare daghdaghe shode bodano rahat kardan. nokte besyar jaleb ine ke vaghty rikhtan daftare tahkim mardom fek kardan mobareze ba obash o arazele! mamora goftam ma az dayere mobareze ba mavad mokhaderim! mafangiaye daneshjoo nama ro dastgir mikonim mibarim evin tarkeshoon bedim!
emrooz goneye fa'al siasi az rade daneshjooyan, mongharez shod be koli, akharin nemone haye in janevaran tavasote baradarane sakhtkoosh lebas shakhsi taro mar shodand.
New words are spoken,
Far beyond my wisdom,
New rules are broken,
Far far away,
New thoughts are forming,
In those minds,
surfing above the others,
believing in that they can doubt,
looking around,
can not see those walls anymore,
My fresh mind, stares at the sky,
There is no ceiling, unlike before!
Here is what I have found,
The meaning of my past,
Those reasons to shout,
Now I got a ground to stand on,
Out of my count,
These moments meant to be mine,
And in the darkest corner of my cave,
My new life has just begun,
OCT. 22, 2004
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