Urban Design - Keshavarz Blvd.
شیخ نامه
sheikh langan khoshalane erade bekard ke 100 ha kar o proje ra dar ane vahed anjam konad! az proje daneshgah grefte ta kar dar sherkato jahaye digar o sokhanrani dar elmo sanat!!! pas sheikh in hame moshkel ra ignore kard va baz raft mosabeghate basket ball, pas kamare sheikh begreft begooneyee nabood konande. sheikh dardha bekeshiid va arbade ha bezad. doostano khuubano azizan khamush gashtand va gom gashtand. sheikh mando ghorse ibuprofen! sheikh natavano darmande ro be arambakhsho jele proxicam avard va az jahan rooy begreft.
roozha begzasht va sheikh dar bastar dardo bimari foro beraft. angah kea z bastar bedar shod andak moohayee bedid ke sefid gashte bodand va sms hayee ke sent nashode bodand!hejran khooban, reply nakardan azizan va akhm ziba rooyan , darde kamar o zanoovan,nime kare mandane tarha va roozmaregiii sheikh ra depress bekard, pas sheikh pa az khane birun magozasht va dar piile khood beraft! ta shayad ke roozi parvane shaved!
Sometimes ...
Pain gets too tough
Prefer not to talk about it
You wont understand
Life gets too ugly
Prefer not to think about it
You don’t see
The days are too long
Prefer not to count the time
Something between the clock and me
The clouds are so many
Prefer not to look at the sky
They seem not to go away
There is no tear left
Prefer not to cry anymore
You won’t hear me
The angels are gone
Prefer not to pray anymore
God’s not watching me
It’s just too hard
To wait for another day
Tomorrow has become meaningless
JULY 26, 2004
Dear Friend
Faraz commented: Enistein said, "life is like riding bicycle, for keep the balance you have to go on moving" .
ای دانشجو نمای مست منحرف

به گزارش خبرگزاري فارس به نقل از روابط عمومي وزارت اطلاعات، افراد دستگير شده توسط گروهي از معاندين نظام و جريانات سياسي انحرافي از شهرهاي مختلف فراخوانده شده بودند تا ضمن راهاندازي اجتماع غيرقانوني، درگيري ايجاد و فضاي علمي فرهنگي دانشگاه را به آشوب و اغتشاش بكشانند. براساس اين گزارش، آشوبگران از قبل اقدم به تهيه تيروكمان، جمعآوري سنگ و ساخت نارنجكهاي صوتي قوي نموده بودند و از دستگير شدگان مقادير قابل توجهي نشريات موهن، كتب ضاله، اعلاميههاي حاوي توهين به مقدسات و مشروبات الكلي كشف و ضبط گرديده است.
bana be gofte mofaseran khabar az ashobgaran ke bet ore tasadofi daneshjoo nis bode and, meghdari GORZ, SHAMSHIR, SEPAR, chand arade TOOP e jangi, NEYZE, va gheire nis kashf shod! dastgir shodegan dar elamie hayee be moghadast (hazrate ahmadi nejad aleyhe salam) tohin karde bodand. angize ashoobgaran az avardan mashrobat alkoli az dide khode kasani ke in khabar ra montasher karde and moshakhas nis!, hamchenin alave bar mashrobat alcholi , meghdari DVD va VCD vahe mostahjan nis az ashoobgaran kashf shod ke gharar bood az an ha dar tazahorat be nahvi estefade shavad, nahve malum nis, in ashoogaran az ashoob-gah haye TEHRAN, AMIR KABIR, SHARIF va ALAME bode and
بیست و هشت دانشجو چپ دانشگاههای ایران در روزهای اخیر دستگیر شدند
amoo chomagi, man beram ghorboone onn chomaghet,
oon rishom pashmo, arme balaye kolahet!
amoo chomaghi shaba mire to khabgaha yavash
mikone mostakberaro asho lash!
amoo chomaghi ba refighash savare motor,
mikonan DOSHMANARO lato paro , karo koor!
amoo chomagi, man beram ghorboone onn chomaghet,
oon ghameo, zanjiro , oon damaghet!
amoo chomaghi, che naz mizani zarbe to kale!
che naz KNOCK OUT mikoni tarafo ba ye zarbe!
amoo chomaghi age naboodi, ki maro hedayat mikard,
amoo chomaghi age naboodi,ki khararo adam mikard! (ya adamaro khar mikard)(dar har 2 soorat sahih ast!)
amoo bodo bia, inja ye jooje mige alie ma shode pinoshe!
amoo bodo, in yaroo daneshjoo namaye!taraf PUNK o ROCK o bi saro paye!
amoo chomachi man beram ghorboone chomaghet!
oon chafie o shalvvar kordi o NEGAHET!
amoo chomaghi dare mire biroon emshab
ta kone in sosoolaro adab!
ta amoo hast ma ghose nadarim,
mikhorimo mikhabimo hal mikonim!
amoo chomaghi cheshm nakhori ba in heykalo bazo!
amoo chomaghito ye kalam I LOVE U!
sina mesdaghi
تهران تصویر به تصویر
انجمن ایران شناسی فرانسه برگزار می کند:
نمایش فیلم های مستند از تهران ! با حضور فیلم سازان و برگزاری جلسه پرسش و پاسخ
دوشنبه 19 آذر: "دماغ به سبک ایرانی" ، "روزهای بی تقویم" ، مهرداد اسکویی
سه شنبه 20 آذر: " تهران قدیم" خسرو سینایی و "تهران چند درجه ریشتر؟" پیروز کلانتر
چهارشنبه 21 آذر: "تهران انار ندارد" مسعود بخشی و "گذر شهر بر آب" فرهاد ورهام
انجمن ایرانشناسی فرانسه در خیابان فلسطین جنوبی، خیابان شهید وحید نظری، کوی ادیب، شماره ۵2 واقع است.
از معماران، شهرسازان و سایر علاقه مندان دعوت می شود.
Nine Inch Nails - Burn
This world threw me away
This world never gave me a chance
This worlds gonna have to pay
I dont believe in your institutions
I did what you wanted me to
Like cancer in the system
Ive got a little surprise for you
Something inside of me has opened up its eyes
Why did you put it there did you not realize
This thing inside of me it screams the loudest sound
Sometimes I think I could
I look down there where youre standing
Flock of sheep out on display
Saw your lives burned up around you
I can take it all away
Something inside of me has opened up its eyes
Why did you put it there did you not realize
This thing inside of me it screams the loudest sound
Sometimes I think I could
Im gonna burn this whole world down
I never was a part of you burn
I am the agent I never was a part of you burn
I am corruption I never was a part of you burn
I am the angel I never was a part of you burn
Of your destruction I never was a part of you burn
I am subversion I never was a part of you burn
Secret desire I never was a part of you burn
I am your future I never was a part of you burn
Swallow down all that fire
Written and performed by: Trent Reznor