
your life is primitive, mine is more

i imagine early man, walking routlessly in the savana type of environment. milions years ago. no roads, no signs, no obligations, no technology, no clothes, no fashion, no symbols, no customs, no religions, no no . but there were rules. his rules. only rules. the rules which are created at once and which are changed at once. you think u r civilized? oh yes u r but the fact is that ur civilization is very primitive. maybe the first kind of civilizations indead! the begining. and through all these years it stuck at the begining. because u r less creative, less bright and less fruitful than that lonely primitive man in savana. just think about ur life again. how much of it is urs? or how much of it u think is urs? do u dare to think, yes not to act, but just to think that you can do something beyond of what the things around you ask you to do. how much of u is urs?
I prefer to be that very primitive man. to be myself not what they want me to be. as far as I know, we live once on this planet. I just want this one visit to be mine. i wanted it as primitive as it can be.

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