
مكان جايي است كه عباراتي مانند نياز، دانستن، توانستن، لذت بردن و منتفع شدن در آن معنا مي‌گيرد و معماري به عنوان يك هنر ابزاري در خدمت هر روزگي است
زندگي، داشتن، يافتن و روي دادن است
مكان تجليگاه عيني زيست جهان است و معماري هنر مكان مي باشد
كريستين نوربرگ شولتس

Naghsh e jahan square, Esfehan, Spring 2003 Posted by Picasa

red balloon, masjed shah, Esfehan, Spring 2003 Posted by Picasa

chehel soton_esfehan, spring 2003 Posted by Picasa

Esfehan nesfe jahan(Half of the world), where is the other half? is it virtual as the 20 columns of Chehel Soton (40 columns)? Posted by Picasa



empty of anything new
my life is repeated action
of subway station

empty of new thoughts
my mind is sustained
in the frozen books

my meaningless life
my eyes can not maneuver
any further than their ugly looks

my shaking leg
in every step that I take
of uncertainty

my automated days
dealing with primitive education
thinking is forbidden

surrounded by smiling puppets
with sever brain malfunction
no questions are written

neglected in the charts
my name is missing
in the automated lists

being on the edge
I avoided the inside
For that my hopes may survive

Sina Mesdaghi
Jan 10, 06