well finally I am back home. I had a 16 days trip in Lebanon, Syria and Turkey. Overall it was an amazing trip. during a short time i visited so many people and places. had extraordinary expriences and made new friendships to people from all over the world. this is post is dedicated to the people i met. well there are so many of them that are not in these photos such as Tareef's Cousin! in Aleppo(halab), or dear Ularel from Spain, Tzovig(america-armenia), Mike from NY, Ribal from Beirut, Swiss and Swedish guys in Damascus and others perhabs... well thanks to u all for making my trip an amazing one!
beirut: i met christina in beirut, we ate launch in her friend's house,
a lovely armenian family, tx carlos!

beirut: a friend of christina from Princeton, US. as far as I remember,
she was living in damascus
beirut: friends of christina, in a bar with live arabic dance music, midnight!
beirut: sarah invited me to his house, i met her nice family, they liked Khatami!
beirut: i dined with adrien! a french student studying social politics in france!
working on his thesis in beirut

damascus(dameshgh): I met felix there, a sociable german studying arabic.
i met many people in our night tours of old traditional houses together!
damascus: a girl from nepal is sitting at the back, she is studying arabic because it is diffrent!
damascus: a multi cultural chat in an old house in damascus:
germany, palestine, italy, nepal, iran and maybe syria!
damascus: we visited an iraqi artist one night, her works were very nice.i donno why she is missing in the photo!
damascus: a new yorker trying to cook some food! he was also studying arabic!

damascus: felix and a swedish guy trying to make the weeds ready to smoke!

aleppo(halab): an american backpacker is checking the old camera, which belongs to the a young french director, trying to make a documentry of syria
aleppo: a french wanderer! traveling for nine month around the world!
aleppo: drinking tea in the bazaar with tareef!
antalya: i was hosted by a lovely turkish couple for two days, i met their friends also.
izmir: Ebru and Aysegul cooked pasta+meat+chicken during my one night visit to their apartment, wish i could stay there a bit more.
izmir: a chat of socialogy, ebru, aysegul and their other classmate(sorry i forgot his name)
izmir: in aysegul's room
istanbul: ebru and her cousin, ebru is a young architect
istanbul: the french couple+karolina of poland!
your wellcome back sina,
it seems you have had a great
trip... hope see u soon
by the way this is my blog ,
wellcome back
khobi tooo?
khosh gozashte meske.....
khoshhalam ke khoshhali
Iran: wooooooooooow
haha, lovely people, great life!
thanks for sharing sina !
haha, lovely people, great life!
thanks for sharing sina !
haha, lovely people, great life!
thanks for sharing sina !
Bravo ..... wish you trip around the world and find joy and happyness every where you go :)
haaaaaal konnnnnn asatiri :))))))
Okaerinasai! It's all about the people, isn't it? I guess your photos put that across well. Lets buy some camels and go somewhere together next time ;-)
i feel jeleouse sina,so luckyyyy!!!
khoshbehalettttttttttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!mkhamamamamammamamamamammama ! badjenSssssssssssssssss
alan moteberek shodi....bayad biam bebosamet...
man ba faraz movafegham !!!!!
shenidam 3tai shodi !!!!
baba 3taiiash !!!!!!!!!!
yes it seems you had a great experience. I have plan to have such a backpacking travelingI also hosted a french man in Iran who was on his tour around the world for 4 years!!without using any trains,airplane and buses,...
It was a nice experience for me as well...
اين جور سفر رفتن و ديدن خيلي از شهرا و آدماي مختلف از كشوراي ديگه جزو آرزوهاي بزرگ و اصلي منه. از اين نظر بدجوري بهت حسوديم مي شه، يا در واقع قبطه مي خورم!. بهت تبريك مي گم. 0
البته خودم سه چار سال پيش با يكي از بچه ها طرحي براي چنين سفري به شرق اروپا ريختيم اما مشكل سربازي و پاسپورت من... لامصب! فعلن بايد منتظر سربازي باشم. 0
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